How the fuck do you get a Burning Hot cooked chicken at the supermarket into the silver foil bags they supply without losing your fingerprints or coming away with 3rd degree burns on your palms???
I totally get why they supply them, I'm all for a hot chook. I'm happy to keep the squirty, crampy food poison away from my stomach but seriously how do you actually get them in the bag?
Obviously I'm not the only one who struggles with this ridiculously planned vessel.
There were 3 ripped up bags when i got there and I added 2 more to the pile.
Whats the point if you have to rip the bloody bag apart to get it in. Its not really keeping anything hot anymore is it? The St John Ambulance could use my left over bags to keep hypothermic patients warm. More blanket than bag once I'm finished with it.
Do they just do it to give the girls in the deli a laugh.
At this point I'm swearing under my breath, through clenched teeth and chucking a couple of toddler tantrum stomps with my feet as well.
The problem is that you literally can't hold them for more than 3 seconds at a time before you have to drop them or loose layers of skin.
There's also an unwritten rule about how long you can stand there wrestling with that bag without looking dodgy or that your trying to shoplift the steaming poultry. Although I say if someone is gangsta enough to try and shove one of those down there pants, then they deserve to keep it.
I think they should provide a hot chook concierge like they do at the petrol pumps at the service station. They could stand by the metal rack of death and put the birds in the bags for you.
I'm sure they could supply heat resistant gloves for the poor bastard.
Come on Countdown there has to be a better way. This is Stupid. And it really hurts. And you feel like a dick when you can't do it. I just walk away with half a chicken sticking out of a ripped foil bag taunting me the whole way round the supermarket. I end up having to run so the chicken doesn't cool down before I get to the checkout.
Is there a secret to this? What am i doing wrong? Anyone else hate those fucken foil bags?