Thursday, November 1, 2012


 Halloween last night on our street was Epic to say the least.  I'll go as far as to say "Best Halloween night EVER" and all it took was one Canadian chick to pop a couple of fliers in all the letterboxes on her walk home from school and that started it.  It was just the push we all needed to get the creative juices flowing!
 In the morning once the kids had gone to school I said to the Husband "I'll be back soon, just gotta go get some last minute Halloween stuff for tonight"  His words to me were "Don't go crazy!" I just rolled my eyes and sauntered out the gate with wallet in hand making mental notes about face paint more lollies and pumpkin baskets.  As it turned out the Husband ignored his own warning as I knew he would and ended up spray painting whole new spooky street signs.  Instead of the actual Slater St and Guild St, his signs read Slayer St and Ghoul St complete with dripping blood and a scream mask on the lamppost.  It became the spot for all the dressed up kids to stand under and get photos taken all night.

 He also hung stuff in our trees and the teenager made fake blood out of golden syrup and red food colouring which decorated our footpath and with which the husband, now dressed up in the 7yr olds Stegosaurus costume,  made all the little kids dip their lollies in.  Telling them it was teenager blood.  They weren't too keen.
We had loud spooky Halloween music blaring and ended up refilling our big bowls three times to keep up with the demand.
Word spread and we would've had anywhere near 100 dressed up Trick or Treating little freaks wandering up and down our neighbourhood.  From 5 - 7pm it was like we were one of those Xmas lights streets that everyone goes to look at.  Cars were parked all the way along.  Pretty much every house had decorations outside it to encourage the spooks to come on in and get some lollies.

People had dancing skeletons and in one haunted house they had to put there hands in sludgy, squishy stuff for spooky gross feeling fun.  The kids had a blast.
Watching the kids running around in packs I'm not sure it was even the lollies that they cared about, it was the dressing up and seeing other peoples costumes.  They were loving sharing out the lollies and popping into every ones front yards to see decorations that made it the most fun.  It was loud and noisy and awesome to see so many smiling, laughing kids and adults crawling all over our street.


  1. SOOOO COOL! well done guys what a great idea!

  2. You guys, and your neighbourhood, rule!! Nice way to farewell Slayer too..
