Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Things that make me frown

My son asking everyday for one of those ugly angry birds hat things they sell in the malls.

The fact that we are actually still debating Gay Marriage.  How can it not be the same for everyone yet?  Whats to debate? Lets get this shit sorted.  Happy Humans should be able to marry other Happy Humans.  End of story.

Kids going to school with no breakfast or lunch?  Not OK!

Merging and closing schools in Christchurch...Really? WTF?

My delicious dog after a year and a half still doesn't understand she ISN'T ALLOWED IN THE FUCKEN KITCHEN!

My husband likes to leave weird little hair balls on random surfaces in our house.  They freak me out.

Watching people spit on the footpath. That's so wrong.  It makes me gag.

Our justice system.  Or lack of.

People who don't indicate.  I may have mentioned that before.

How much Power, Petrol and Food costs these days *sigh

enough of the frowning! Hope you guys are having a happy day :)



  1. hahahhaaah Gibby has one of those hats, I'm gona make u wear it next time u come stay!!

  2. Haha. I agree with all the above Shelley.
