The skinny on me

I am in charge of making sure 3 kids, the husband, 2 pooches, 2 Glamourous Kune Kune Pigs, 30 sassy chooks, 2 Ducks, and an agressive Rooster make it through each day fed, watered, clean and happy...So far so good!

We live in Tuahiwi, New Zealand.

I love followers and all your comments.  So do both and make me happy!


  1. I love your blogs and missed seeing you in Auckland Only 3 more sleeps!!- Love Aunty Kaye

  2. I like the sound of the Kune Kune piglets - sounds like a child's paradise to me, much better than Peppa.

    1. THANKS for the comment, you made me get my Fan Girl spaz on and gave me my blogging spark back...I love reading about your world!

    2. I just saw this reply Shelley, it was a long time ago so I hope it still applies. Hope life is good in Christchurch
