Monday, May 27, 2013

It was a long day today

I had a pretty long day today.  Won't go into the boring details.  Just trust me it was long.
Not bad or anything.  Just long.
I think it had a lot to do with the hours and hours I spent on my hands and knees weeding the arse out of my garden yesterday.  I'm not a weeder normally.  Ask anyone.  In fact I've probably only done it twice in my whole life.  By the time it was all over my back, knees and fingers felt like they needed to be admitted to the local rest home for an extended stay of complete bed rest and liquid food to recover.
That was yesterday.   I was dreading today.  Today I'm feeling it in my thighs and lower back.
Nothing too serious but it would be a shame not to exaggerate the groans as I stand and sit for my families benefit.  They need to know how bloody hard I worked yesterday.  Thank you very much.
So tonight after my long day I figured I deserved a long, hot soak in the tub.
Picture this.  Pissing down rain on the roof.  Thunder and lightning even.  Candles lit on every surface of the bathroom.  Running a big deep bath.  Added some Epsom salts for my aching muscles (yes I'm 70! and what?) Had some nice kiwi music playing softly for ambiance.  My book is at the ready.
I can feel myself relaxing already.  I go to climb in and WTF? the bloody hot water has run out half way thru the filling so now I'm stuck with a very pathetic Luke warm bath.  Which to a bath connisure (?) like myself is just basically Shit house.  The worst kind of Shit house.  "Well too bad" I said out loud to the universe with maybe a few other words containing letters like KCUF and possibly some that may or may not have sounded a bit like Brother Ducker added to the statement.  "I will not be a victim, I am having a bloody bath" so I sat in my crappy bath and pretended like everything was freaken awesome until I couldn't handle it any longer and hypothermia seemed like a very real possibility.
Thank god for electric blankets and my wonderful mum sending me supplies to replenish my hidden Chocolate Supply.  I needed it right now.  Nothing fixes a long day and aching muscles like a whole bag of Whittakers White Chocolate and Raspberry mini slabs.
Just did some casual weeding.  No biggie!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Cinderella the Shitbag Teenager

So it would be fair to say we have had our share of drama to contend with where our Teenager is concerned over the past few months.  Don't get me wrong there have been a few good days in amongst all that as well.  But I just can't seem to recall them.  Perhaps I was dreaming. 
Evil out ways the Good.
I remember something the amazing 'Nigel Latta' once said "Teenagers just aren't right in the head". 
I agree.  One minute shes all sweet and light and the next she is a head spinning version of the exorcist.
Feet stomp like a 5 year old when asked to do anything.  Loud dramatic huffing and puffing can be heard down the street I'm sure.  It is a normal occurrence to have her mid-dishes declare at the top of her lungs "Aaarrgggh I'm just soooo frustrated...I need 5 minutes alone" stomp stomp door slam and Teenager disappears (and when after a quick game of 'paper scissors rock' one parent draws the short straw and has to venture into her pit of death bedroom to explain to her that she better bloody come and finish the job she has left half completed) it's quite normal to find her face down on her bed like her world is so bloody hard and we are ruining her life by making her put her hands in hot soapy water to clean dishes that "She didn't even use?!"
Inhale Exhale.  I often have visions of tying her to the wheelie bin just in time for Friday morning collection.  I have found some wisdom over the years.  Teenagers are a lot like babies.  If they are sleeping.  Don't you dare wake them up.  I let her sleep as long as she can on a Sunday.  Just for the peace we all get.
But today was a good day, so thought I should probably document it just in case its years before we have another like it. 
I couldn't get her off this once she got the hang of it

Scrubbing out the green slime from the Chooks water Clam

Sweeping even

Folded Washing


This was the end of the day...Starting to lose her sparkle

Even cooked a delicious dinner
 Do you think she wants something?? Like maybe her Stereo power cord back or the new Wifi Password perhaps.  I think Aliens stole my teenager and replaced her with a new one.  One that's not broken.  I like those Aliens.