Thursday, March 21, 2013

Happy Jesus Day

Soooo Easter is almost upon us, although every year I'm never really sure just when it is, due to the fact that the super markets have huge displays of Chocolate Eggs of every mouth watering shape or form from about boxing day.  Its strange, I'm such a Chocoholic and will buy copious amounts of chocolate blocks or bars, storing them in different hidey spots so I don't have to share with any of my off spring, but I won't buy delicious looking Easter Eggs until the week before and certainly won't eat any until the actual day.  I think that stems from Childhood rules which are obviously strictly ingrained for some bizarre reason.
The one Eastery thing we do however gorge ourselves on from as early as poss is Hot Cross Buns.  Not being huge fans of fruit in bread we tend to spend our money on the plain or Chocolate Chip varieties.  Heated with lots of artery clogging butter melted on top.  They just stay fresher longer. Although I'm only guessing about that fact, as they are inhaled pretty quick in my household.
Which brings me to a very fun opportunity for my divine readers to get in on the Hot cross bun action.
 The Wonderful people at Bakers Delight have given me some $10 vouchers to give away so that 3 of you can add some yummy treats to your Easter Weekend.
Drop me a comment about your plans for Easter this year or what your favourite baked item at Bakers Delight is and I will randomly choose 3 Names from a official looking hat, drawn by the 7yr old and will get those vouchers sent out in time for Jesus Day...What fun what fun!


  1. Sorry this is only open to NZ readers :) The 7 yr old will be drawing out some names on Monday so I have time to send out those vouchers before Easter

  2. This easter we plan to put up 2 gardens sheds and some big pavers and go to the garden sales to buy a few plants of which we only have one little japanese maple at the mo. It's a catch up on house work and family catch up time :) And yes luv the choc chip hot cross buns at bakers delight as well as their sweet chilli or basil pesto twists, nothing beats fresh bread! Mmmm I am craving some now..........

  3. I have a sprained ankle - does this qualify for a voucher - plus I remember buying you thousands of eggs over the years ...........!! Love you more and more and more!! Your favourite Aunty Kaye

  4. We will be having our usual Easter Treasure Hunt in the garden but numbers will be down this year as there are no Chch Participants and Michael and Emmy are off to camp. Do I get looked on more favourably for a voucher if I say your parcels and chocolate are in the mail plus a game so you don't feel missed out. A Bakers Delight voucher would be pounced on with delight if we were to win it. Your bestest bestest Mum

  5. my plan for Easter is to get some hot cross bun action- pick my name please 7 year old! ; )
