Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Learner Driver

 So the Teenager is about to turn the big One Six.  We have been waiting for this day for a long time just so she can get her licence.  O the freedom.  No more winter night time drop offs or pick ups from St John.  Some one to go to the dairy when we have run out of milk or if I need a late night ice-cream fix.  Someone to get me BK on a Friday night if I've had one too many ciders.  There are just too many positives to write them all down and they all seem to involve me doing less and her doing more.  *happy dance. 
On the way to her Orthodontist appointment on Monday we stopped in at the AA and got her everything she needs to pass the first stage.  A shiny new Road Code, some bright yellow L Plates, a secret code for trying out 5 online tests and the application form to book in. 
She is very focused and excited about joining the driving masses so is studying like a mad thing.  Every time we are in the car I have this loud voice in my ear telling me what every sign or coloured paint on the road means.  She will happily inform anyone listening how far they can park from a corner or driveway and how long I should be indicating before turning.  I just nod and smile.  She has 9 days til the test and is determined to ace it.  Its all good doing the theory part but after that comes the actual learning to drive bit.  We have always said she has to learn in a manual and I'm pretty sure it will be the husband doing the teaching.  The thought of being in the passenger seat while she is bunny hopping through a roundabout or stalling in the middle of an intersection is a little too much for my brain at this point.
I still remember going through all that. Probably cause it wasn't that long ago.  I got my learners at 15 but stayed on it until 21.  Going for my restricted was so bloody stressful, I remember thinking I was going to throw up on the guy testing me, my palms were so sweaty I was scared they would slide off and slap him on the side of the head.  After that traumatic experience I was in no hurry to sit my full so only just got that last Christmas.  I was starting to feel pressure that my nephew and daughter were going to get it before me so figured I better suck it up and sort it out.  Also I can now be a grown up and get rental cars.  Win Win.
I'll try and give all you other Chch drivers fair warning when the actual driving lessons begin.  I've seen her play Midtown Madness on the Xbox.  Good luck Teenager and Good luck World.


  1. Ahhh - I know this Shelly! Brodie recently sat for L's and passed. We are now in the process of learning to drive, but here, she can not sit her P's (the same and your Restricted)for a 12 month period of getting her L's and after completing 100 hrs of driving! Here I was all excited that she could drive herself places, but we still have 11 months to wait for that, assuming we cram in the 100 hrs! On a positive though, you are allowed to carry passengers on your P's here, so she can take Kaley places for me!!

    1. I probably am getting abit ahead of myself with my dreams of her actually driving places for me but we are a step in the right direction at any rate.
