Thursday, January 3, 2013

Airbeds Sux

If ever you are offered an airbed to sleep on just reply with a "No thanks I'll just throw my blankets on the ground and save time" I have never slept in one that didn't go down by morning.  They are such a camping nightmare.  Whoever invented them are sitting back pissing themselves laughing at all of us.  Air beds are shit.  Its a fact.  Even when you first get onto one and it hasn't yet deflated which it will  If your not the same weight as your sleeping buddy its just a bloody seesaw every time someone rolls over or has to get up to take a leak in the middle of the night.  I get the convenience of being able to roll them up and carry them around but for fucks sake whats the point really when your just going to end up ridiculously uncomfortable, cold and sleeping on the ground anyway.  Save the room in your boot for another chilly bin or extra towels.
This rant is because I just experienced the hell that is a bed made from air for only one night recently. Luckily I had a few ciders pre-bedtime so the first few hours of sleep was deep enough to not notice the slow but steady decline of Oxygen from under our bodies but woke not long after freezing on the ground with the semi deflated plastic surrounding me like a inflatable coffin.
Nobody can start a productive happy day from the depths of a deflated bed.  Its just not physically possible. 
Feel free to correct me if in fact you have a miracle bed which stays up all night....point me in the right direction and I'll happily invest...but I'm not holding my breath.
This lady is a liar...nobody smiles like that if they are sleeping on an airbed

This is what you end up on by morning


  1. And if you stayed another night it wouldn't of been any good as a lilo either with all the flooding!!

    1. OMG I reckon! What a nightmare...I hear it was pretty funny though :)

  2. Nothing has changed in forty years Shelly!! Been there, done that - never again.... I can now say I am too old for that caper

    1. I am now officially using that line too "I'm far to old for that caper"

  3. Do you remember Aunty Jill and Uncle Doug sleeping on the airbed in your lounge at Coleman Street at Xmas time one year?? Everyone kept getting up (all throught the night)to ask if Santa had been?? Each time I am sure Uncle Doug had just got off to sleep on his side of the airbed for Aunty Jill to wake him up to ask if he knew the answer to the question!!
