Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Some Un-interesting things about me you might want to know...or not

1.  I have words that I find ugly so try not to use them.  'Macaroon' 'Flannel' and 'Bobble'.
'Macaroon' that weird biscuit I try to steer my trolley away from them in the supermarket.  If its got an ugly name I'm not putting it near my mouth.  There's a life lesson in that.  'Flannel' try 'Face Cloth' much better.  'Bobble' No. Lets go 'Hair Tie' which is nicer and you won't lose cool points using it in a sentence with another human being.

2.  I love inappropriate offensive jokes.  The more inappropriate and offensive the better.  I also love that I am one of those people you can send those sort of jokes too and you can be safe that I will piss myself out loud wherever I am.  There's only some people you can forward jokes like that too.  I'm glad I'm one of them.  I'm going straight to hell.

3.  I have mentioned this before but I don't do 'Broken Bones'.  I was in a first Aid course once and had to actually leave the room cause I got all hot and dizzy.  Don't take this as encouragement to tell me your disgusting bone stories.  They will make me frown.

4.  I love to mow my lawn and vacuum my floor.  If I could I would vacuum 3 times a day some days I do. 

5.  God I wish I could sing.  I can't.

6.  I look at my amazing children and can't believe someone put me in charge of raising them.  They may get a family discount for Therapy later in life.

7.  I have never even tried Coffee or Tea.  I tried my first ever slice of pavlova last Xmas.  I think my taste buds want a new human.

8.  Mean people Sux

9.  I find myself daydreaming about High School wishing I could go back again and have lunch with all my friends everyday.  I like their faces.

10.  I am looking forward to getting really old and living in a retirement village with all my bitches.

11.  My Husband is nice.  I still get butterflies sometimes.  I like him.


  1. I hate the word moist and try not to use it

  2. Ewwww remember when your knee did that popping out thing?? Pretty sure you lost some nice stonewash jeans to that injury!

  3. If its got an ugly name I'm not putting it near my mouth...words to live by haha...felt I could put this due to point 2! x

  4. J just reminded me that I don't like the word 'root' either lol
